Diabetes leads to multiple complications such as heart problem and cancer, doctors have concluded that once someone have type 2 diabetes it is incurable and such person should start medication.

well the good news is that research has shown that weight loss can actually reverse diabetes and also control it, by losing weight the cholesterol level can return to normal and so the blood sugar.

People with diabetes can sort themselves out with self-discipline and with the help of science.

One of the eminent doctors in Britain in person of Professor Sir Muir Gray once said that he never for once considers type 2 diabetes as a real disease and that it is a reversible illness caused by modern environment and lifestyle and that is why he called diabetes a "walking deficiency syndrome"

Statistics have shown that out of every 4 persons, at least there is 1 person who fails to take 30 minutes exercise in a week

Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body's insulin-producing cells fail to produce enough of this hormone; this is a Global epidemic and needs to be fought from all angles.

People have failed to believe that their wellbeing is in their hand and they need to appreciate this because being overweight can seriously increase the chance of type 2 diabetes and more than half of the population of UK alone falls in the category of obese/overweight.

We are sitting on a time bomb with the way parents are feeding their families with processed food and junks, family's needs to be aware they need to drastically reduce sugar intake, control what they eat and also engage in physical exercise always.

Government needs to help the masses by forcing manufactures of foods to stop manufacturing irresistible junk food, the government need to drastically increase tax on sugary drinks because it's most likely this is just the beginning of the problem.

One fourth of the whole population of Saudi Arabia are leaving with type 2 diabetes even in china at least 50% of all adult are pre-diabetes

Despite the huge numbers of amputations done in Vietnam during the civil war due to landmine injuries amputations being perform today due to type 2 diabetes is more than that

Though walking or exercising alone cannot prevent type 2 diabetes but it is surely right to reverse it because it's actually the issue of too much fat around the waist

Research by Professor Roy Taylor, of Newcastle University, has shown that an 800-calories-a-day diet stuck to for eight weeks can reverse type 2 diabetes in the majority of cases.

The best and safe thing to do as a pre-diabetic or type 2 diabetic people is to lose weight particularly fat stored around the stomach.

Kindly note that it is not everyone who is fat that has problems with their blood sugar levels or cholesterol because some people have a greater capacity to carry fat safely than others and many people with type 2 diabetes have a normal Body Mass Index (BMI).

Visceral fat is the worst kind of fat because it's the fat around or inside the tummy; the pancreas is responsible for producing the hormone insulin, which helps keep your blood sugar levels within a normal range. Once it starts to urge infiltrated with fat, it doesn't work yet, and this could then cause sort two polygenic disease.

Waist measurement is a good indicator to know if one has visceral fat or not which normally should be less than half your height. For example if you are 6 ft tall, or 72 in your waist should measure no more than 36 in and the best way to measure the waist is around the belly button and not depend on your trouser size.

Have a strict principle to always do exercise regularly, where necessary walk the staircase instead of using the lift and also walk the distance instead of using the car all the time.

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